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Про нас

Proxy-Store — велика і дружна команда професіоналів з бездоганною репутацією на ринку надання IT послуг. На рахунку — сотні виконаних замовлень, численні клієнти з України та інших країн Європи, США, схвальні відгуки клієнтів, яких з кожним днем все більше і більше.

  • 22 138користувачів щодня
  • 32 555всього проксі онлайн
  • 2 555постійних користувачів
  • 10+років на ринку проксі

Еталонний сервіс кожному клієнту

Проксі без проблем

Компанія Proxy-Store забезпечує клієнтів тільки найякіснішими і надійними серверами IPv4. Ви отримуєте 100% гарантію високого рівня анонімності придбаних у нас IP-адрес

Проксі для всіх

Чи є ви досвідченими інтернет-користувачем, просунутим геймером, SMM профі або новачком на просторах "всесвітньої павутини" - обслуговування виняткового рівня якості гарантовано

Відгуки наших клієнтів
4.8 stars stars stars stars stars
342 відгуківЧитати все
John C.

The peace of mind that comes with using proxy-store proxies is invaluable. I can now browse freely without worrying about my privacy or leaving digital footprints. It has exceeded my expectations with their customer-oriented service and loyalty. I can confidently recommend them to anyone in need of proxy solutions.

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Emily S.

Proxy-Store is the go-to proxy service for all of my online activities. With an average proxy speed of 600 ms and a proxy success rate of 95%, their proxies have never let me down, ensuring smooth and uninterrupted online operations across various platforms. I have been able to access blocked websites and services easily. It has opened up a world of possibilities for my online activities.

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Araes P.

Proxy-store's mobile proxies are reliable, and they offer a wide range of IP addresses in different countries. What I also like about them is their 7-day trial period, which gives me enough time to determine whether their services are actually good or not. And at just $83 for a month, it's an absolute bargain!

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John C.

Their rotating residential proxies are excellent for ads, and their IP changes every 10 minutes which is great for security and for making sure that you are not being tracked when checking your ads in different countries. And the price is pretty darn good($18 a month). Great for validating ads and making sure that your traffic numbers are not fake.

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Jane W.

As a marketing manager, I often need to access data and services that are restricted to mobile devices, and this service has made it so much easier. The ability to rent a 4G mobile proxy and route my connection through a mobile device, making it appear as though I am on a mobile network, has been invaluable. The flexibility of being able to rent the proxies for a short-term period has been a huge plus, as I only need them for specific campaigns. The proxies work seamlessly and the speed is great, especially when I need to access real-time data.

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